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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?


Preventative interventions are aimed at optimizing pelvic health during the reproductive years, as women transition through menopause, and for those who wish to take their core strength to a new level. Education and  individually prescribed exercises are provided by knowledgeable pelvic health therapists. 


When pelvic health changes, pelvic health physiotherapists can assess for impairments and implement a restorative treatment plan. Restorative interventions often include a combination of education about pelvic anatomy and function, manual techniques to restore muscle and connective tissue health, and unique exercises to optimize awareness, contractility, and function of the pelvic floor muscles as they fire independently as well as part of the integrated body system. 


Providing education and sharing our knowledge of a poorly understood area is a key component of pelvic health physiotherapy. Knowledge allows us to understand where we are, empowers us to change behaviours, and gives us the tools to move forward.

Physio can help

Physiotherapy can help!

"One in three women in Canada, has some form of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction - impacting their lives in many ways. With the help of physiotherapy, patients receive tremendous results and can effectively overcome their condition."​

We want to thank the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia for creating this inspiring video and for highlighting the importance of pelvic floor health. If this video resonates with you Kingston Pelvic Health may be the right clinic for you. Don't hesitate to call or email us today to get started on your journey. 

Common Conditions and reasons to see

Common Conditions Treated 

The following conditions do not reflect all treatment expertise among our team of practitioners. Please contact Kingston Pelvic Health to ask about conditions not listed or questions about your pelvic health.

Prenatal Health

  • Prenatal education

  • Perineal stretching

  • Delivery preparation

  • Pelvic girdle pain (e.g. pubic symphysis, sacroiliac joint, tailbone, round ligament, hip, low back)

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Cystocele

  • Rectocele

  • Urethrocele

  • Enterocele

  • Uterine prolapse

  • Rectal prolapse

  • Vaginal vault prolapse

Sexual Health

  • Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)

  • Vulvodyna (vulvar pain)

  • Vaginissmus

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Dysorgasmia (pain with orgasm)

Men's Pelvic Health

  • Chronic prostatitis

Postpartum Health

  • Post-partum core retraining

  • Post-delivery recovery and restoration

  • Diastasis recti abdominis

  • Scar tissue restriction

  • Obstetric anal sphincter injury (grade 3 and 4 tear)

Bowel Health

  • Irregular bowel movements

  • Evacuation difficulties

  • Constipation or loose stools

  • Fecal incontinence

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Anal fissures

  • Rectal pain

Pre & Post-Surgical

  • Hysterectomy

  • Pelvic organ prolapse repair

  • Prostatectomy

  • Post-cancer surgery or treatment

  • Gender-affirming

Bladder Health

  • Stress urinary incontinence

  • Urge urinary incontinence

  • Urinary retention

  • Overactive bladder: urinary urgency and frequency

  • Nocturia

  • Interstitial cystitis (IC)

  • Bladder pain syndrome (BPS)

Pelvic Pain

  • Genital pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Abdominal pain

  • Tailbone pain (coccydynia)

  • Pudendal nerve irritability

  • Low back, hip, groin, and SI joint pain

Women's Pelvic Health

  • Endometriosis

  • Lichen sclerosis

  • Peri and post-menopausal

  • Genitourinary syndrome of menopause

  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

What shoul I expct at my first apt

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Intake Paperwork

Initial forms and questionnaires are completed to screen for signs of pelvic floor dysfunction.


Initial examinations will include a global assessment of posture, mobility, and lubmo-pelvic stability. Based on individual medical history, the therapist may perform an internal exam to determine specific pelvic floor impairments and teach patient how to feel control their pelvic floor muscles.

In certain cases, a pelvic exam is not deemed to be appropriate, either by the therapist or the individual. this does not preclude people from benefiting from pelvic floor physiotherapy. Our practitioners are highly skilled at providing education and treatment for all comfort levels.

Medical History

The therapist will take a thorough history of your concerns, as well as ask questions regarding your general health and well-being.

Goal Setting

Following the examination, a treatment plan is discussed, goals are set, and treatment begins. Patients leave the first session more knowledgeable about their pelvic health, with exercises to complete, and a clear treatment plan in place.

Treatment plans often includes elements of manual therapy, soft tissue release, posture re-training, breathing techniques, exercises, and biofeedback as indicated. Our approach to treatment is personalized to address your specific condition, goals and needs.

  • Is pelvic floor physiotherapy just for women?
    No! Pelvic floor dysfunctions can affect both men and women of all ages. Men should seek pelvic floor physiotherapy if they have: Stress, urge and/or mixed incontinence associated with prostatectomies Urinary frequency associated with pregnancy, prostatectomies, menopause and hormonal changes Persistent pelvic pain Painful intercourse Painful bladder syndrome Chronic prostatitis Hip, low back and sacroiliac joint pain that has not responded to traditional care techniques
  • Why should I consult a physio during pregnancy?
    Your should seek physiotherapy if you: have pain in your pubic bone, groin, back, pelvis, buttocks, or legs have difficulties doing everyday tasks such as rolling over, walking, or getting in/out of a vehicle leak urine, gas, or stool when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or walk, etc. have a bulging or tenting in your abdomen when you lift your head off a pillow (abdominal diastasis) have pain with intercourse have vaginal varicose veins have questions about preparing for labour & delivery Pelvic health physiotherapy is an appropriate and meaningful compliment to your pre- natal care. Pregnancy is the best time to gain postural awareness and to learn the correct way of performing a pelvic floor contraction or “Kegel”. Prevent and treat incontinence, prolapse, and pain; learn ways to reduce injury to your pelvic floor during labour and delivery.
  • Should I see a physio after pregnancy?
    You should seek physio after delivery if you: have scarring from c-section, tearing, or episiotomy leak urine, gas, or stool when you cough, sneeze, exercise, etc. or not making it to the bathroom in time have problems emptying your bladder or bowel completely or frequently have pain with intercourse have pressure, heaviness, or bulging in your vagina or rectum have ongoing pain in your vagina, rectum, pelvis, pubic bone, abdomen, or low back have bulging or tenting of your abdomen during any exercise Whether you have had a vaginal delivery or a caesarean section, you will benefit from pelvic health physiotherapy to help you recover from the many effects of pregnancy and delivery. Treatment for back or pelvic pain, incontinence, prolapse, or abdominal diastasis is particularly helpful after delivery as you adjust to caring for your new baby.
  • Can pelvic floor physiotherapy help?
    Even though pelvic floor challenges are common, they are treatable and you should not have to live with them. Pelvic health physiotherapy can help you regain control, maximize your function and recovery, and improve your well-being.
  • Can I book online?
    Follow-up treatments can be booked online, for all new patients and assessments please call the clinic to request an appointment.
  • Do I need a doctor's referral?
    You do not need a physician referral to book an appointment, however some insurance companies require a physician referral to qualify for reimbursement.
  • Is it possible to select a practitioner or continue treatment with the same practitioner?
    Yes, unless a patient chooses to change practitioners we continue booking patients with the same practitioner who conducted the initial assessment.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we ask that you provide 48 hours notice as this allows us time to offer your timeslot to another patient or individuals on our waitlist. Cancellations within 24 hours or less, or no-shows, may be subject to a cancellation fee up to the cost of the appointment.
  • Do you direct bill to private insurance?
    Yes, we are able to direct bill to the following insurance providers: Alberta Blue Cross Beneva BlueCross BPA Canada Life Canada Life - PSHCP Canadian Construction Workers Union Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan CINUP ClaimSecure Coughlin Cowan Insurance Group (managed by Express Scripts Canada) D.A. Townley Desjardins Insurance Equitable Life of Canada First Canadian GMS Carriers 49 and 50 (Express Scripts Canada) GroupHEALTH GroupSource Industrial Alliance Johnson Inc. Johnston Group La Capitale LiUna Local 183 LiUna Local 506 Manion Manulife Financial Maximum Benefit MDM Insurance Services People Corporation RWAM Simply Benefits TELUS AdjudiCare Union Benefits UV Insurance
  • What payment methods do you take?
    We accept all credit cards, debit, and cash.
  • Do you provide government funded, WSIB, or MVA services?
    No, we are currently unable to bill services through OHIP, WSIB, and MVA.

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128 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON, K7L 2Y4

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